Trip To Bahamas By: Trent Gibson

How will you get to your destination? If flying, driving, sailing; how long will it take you get there?

I will take a plane to the bahamas. It will take 3 to 4 hours to fly down their.

Where will you stay when you are there?

I will stay in a luxurious hotel on the beach when i am there.

What are three or more things that you would like to do when you get to your destination?

I would like to go surfing, scuba diving, and jetskiing.

What are some foods that the place you are going is known for?

The bahamas is known for its seafood like shrimp, lobster, clams, and crab.


Created with images by wka - "Beach" • 3dman_eu - "sea boot seychelles" • Unsplash - "burj al arab dubai hotel" • confused_me - "water splash flow" • Happy Tummy - "Ultimate Feast"

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