Great Expectations Part 2


"I must be taken as I have been made. The The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me," Estella said (140)."

I chose this passage because it explains how Estella feels about herself and Miss Havisham and as to why she acts the way she acts.

"The letter was signed Trabb & Co., and its contents were simply, that I was an honoured sir, and that they begged to inform me that Mrs. J. Gragery had departed from this life on Monday last at twenty minutes past six in the evening, and that my attendance was requested at the interment on Monday next at three o'clock in the afternoon (217)."

I chose this passage as it becomes a big part in Pip life, the death of his sister.

"Yes, Pip, dear boy, I've made a gentleman on you! It's me wot has done it! I swore that time, sure as ever I earned a guinea, that guinea should go to you. I swore arterwards, sure as ever I spec'lated and get rich, you should get rich. I lived rough, that you should live smooth, says the convict (250)."

The reason I chose this passage, because it explains as to why the convict became Pip's benefactor and how he lived to pay Pip.


Pip realizes the Estella was not designed for him. He realizes he was just a model to be practice on for Miss Havisham. Pip also realizes that he completely deserted Joe but he would not go back to him or Biddy now. The convict, Magwitch, turns out to be Pip's benefactor and it was then he realized how much of a wreck he was.


1. Biddy and Estella were both Pip's love interest

2. Mrs. Joe and Miss Havisham were both invalids

3. Mrs. Joe looks as if she scrubs her face with a nutmeg grater



Affection, loyalty, and conscience are more important than social advancement, wealth, and class.


1. Satis House

(The mansion where Miss Havisham and Estella live is wealthy but crumbling and deteriorating showing a direct connection to those who live in it and to the upper class society as a whole.)

2. Miss Havisham's shoe and wedding dress

(Miss Havisham had only put on one shoe before finding out that Compeyson had left her on their wedding day. This shoe represents her lack of readiness for any further attempts at love in her life. Miss Havisham’s wedding dress represents death and the pain or rotting of her past.)

3. Bentley Drummle

(Drummle is the perfect poster boy for wealth, success and gentleman statuses. He is however, rude and cruel to all those he feels are beneath him. He is the perfect example to show that there is no correlation between social standing and intelligence or morals.)


Created with images by Jodimu - "Crown on Skeppsholmen Bridge"

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