Good Life Tour of the Harn By Chris Dizenzo

In my self-guided tour of the Harn I enjoyed many beautiful pieces of artwork. I started by walking through the Melvin and Lorna Rubin Gallery and into the S.F.I Gallery.

I decided to sit on a bench, slow down, and reflect on the art around me. When first walking into the Melvin and Lorna Rubin Gallery i noticed the old photographs on my left. As i continued on my journey i got nearer and nearer to the S.F.I. Gallery, or the modern collection. The organization of the two galleries makes it feel as you are passing through a timeline of art pieces; But, the more recent displays are no more or less beautiful than the older displays.
For example, this art piece was entirely glass. I have near family that is infamous for his creations of Venetian glass. This personally appealed to me because i have deep respect for the creation of glass and complex coloring that this art piece had.
As i moved through the museum i started to look for meaning in the artworks. I attempted to determine the core values of different art pieces. Some where to outline the struggling poor during a rough period in American history, and others, like the one in the picture, were attempting to shine light on some of the struggles of our modern era. This piece personally appealed to my core values. It clearly outlines the struggle of many women artists, and the problems of our society in objectifying women. Although, i don't entirely agree with the Guerrilla Girls over simplification of complex problems, i can still agree with their core value of helping women reach equality.
Watching this incredibly long video in the museum felt very freeing to me.I felt like i was their, celebrating with them. This art piece showed that people love to celebrate their life. They enjoy being with other people like them and enjoying their existence, and it doesn't take any complex technologies or educational systems to teach people to celebrate their lives.

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