John Greenhow Trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown by ayesha sen

Visit to Jamestown in Ayesha's point of view

The tool that I chose was the fish net. According to my guide, it is a more efficient way of catching fish than the traditional way with the bait and hook. This is because if fishes swim into the net, it can't swim out and fishers can catch it. It was made out of corn husk. It was introduced to the world by Powhatans.

An outdoor exhibit that I went to was the ship exhibit. It had recreations of the ships that the English first sailed to Jamestown on. The voyage was not very pleasant for the explorers. They had to go use buckets for their toilet needs, stay in a dark, shady, cramped deck, and had beds that were just straws with straw and feathers stuffed inside of it. It was also interesting how the captain steered with a pole rather than a steering wheel.

Visit to Colonial Williamsburg in John Greenhow's point of view
At the silversmith.
Just the other day I was counting my money, when I realized that I had finally saved enough money to get the silver spoon that I've wanted. I march down to the silversmith. My hand trembles as I hand the silversmith my 30 coins. The smell of metals and old wood wafts up to my nose. I admire the silver pots that glimmer on racks. I wish I could buy them, but I don't have much money, and am middle class, so I can't afford it. The nice silversmith tells me to pick it up in 4 days. He tells me that he will mold and hammer the coins so that it turns into a spoon.

Today I went to the Randolphs' house to deliver their order. The outside of the house looked beautiful. My loyal customer told me that it was more than 11,000 square feet! That's huge! I rapped my fingers against the door that was three times taller than me. A slave welcomed me in and ordered me to go to the dining room.

When I was there, the Randolphs were having a huge feast. They had silver spoons, silver pots, and more food than I could ever eat. They had a proper cloth spread out on the table. I reminded myself not to be envious because I would never be able to afford all of that. I carefully handed the order to Peyton Randolph and rushed away. The dining table was definitely my favorite part of the house.

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