Tattoos on the Heart Book Peoject by Gunner Ott

Chapter 2: Dis-Grace

The main theme of this chapter was did-grace, which is not to be co fused with disgrace. The story that I chose was the one about Carmen. She was a woman with a reputation on the streets, and Father Greg knew who she was. When she told him that she was a disgrace and he reacted by realizing how important she was, I was very touched. The way he knew that she was very special and he felt shame for confusing her as an interruption, is something that I want to be able to accomplish. I want to be able to love all people, no matter their stories.

Chapter 3: Compassion

The main theme of this chapter was compassion and showing it to others. It explains that Compassion Is a gift of God that we are called to use in our daily lives. Compassion can be hard to achieve, but we are called to it. The story that I liked the most, was the story about the Church. The way the people acceptingly let anyone into the church (No matter how bad it smelled) really spoke to me. I find it fascinating how willing these people were to open up their doors to anyone. They did not care what others thought about them, they just cared about showing compassion.

Chapter 7: Gladness

The main theme of this chapter is gladness. This is important to my life because without gladness, there is so much that we could not feel. The story I chose from this chapter is the one of Moreno. He was a kid who had gone through so much, but he still displayed gladness and happiness. I was inspired by his strength, and even through everything; he was able to grow up to be a respected man.

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