Richard chai cristiano ronaldos fashion designer

richard chais design

Richard chai is a Korean, american fashion designer who works for ronaldo and is highly qualified as a designer. richard chai was born in 1974 Winchester country new York. richard chai started to help the famous football/soccer player cristiano ronaldo.

Richard chai designs all of the cr7 clothing, boots, socks, hats and underwear. richard chai also designs coats to protest you from getting cold

After helping launch the Marc by Marc Jacobs line and revamping a tired TSE, Richard Chai introduced his eponymous line of highly tailored, quietly feminine pieces to industry raves in 2004. An Ecco Domani Award followed a year later, but it wasn’t until 2008 that Chai’s work reached new heights—he launched a menswear line, designed a capsule collection for Target, and made it into the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund’s top ten finalists. Referenced as one of the “new Asian” influences on modern design (alongside fellow up-and-comers Derek Lam and Peter Son), Chai creates casual clothes that pair surprising fabrics—like silks mixed with wool's and twill with georgette—reined in with architectural touches like French seams and origami folds, earning his work a reputation for minimalist, menswear-inspired touches.


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