Bank Robbery by: Justine

Sam couldn’t wait, today she is going to the bank to get a loan. The loan is so that she can move out of her apartment and buy a house. She was so excited to get the loan that on her way to the bank she got pulled over. She couldn’t believe she was speeding. The rest of the drive to the bank she made sure she wasn’t speeding.

Sam got to the bank and got in line. The line was so long she couldn’t believe it. She had gotten to the front of the line when someone screamed. Soon all she could hear were the sounds of people screaming and crying. She looked back, the first thing she saw was their guns. They shot their guns towards the sky and told everyone to get down on the ground. She kept trying to keep the breakfast she had that morning down but it kept coming back up. It’s all she could taste. She could feel the coldness of the hard floor as she got down. All she could think of now was her kids. How she shouldn’t have left them with her parents. She couldn’t think anymore. The sirens outside were so loud she could barely stand it. All of a sudden there was a very strong smell. The smell became to overwhelming for her to handle. Then she realized it was coming from her, she throw up.

One of the robbers walked over to her and grabbed her arm. His hand felt rough and cold, but they weren’t strong like she thought they would be. He was shaking. He brought her to the bathroom and locked her in. He wasn’t very smart because the bathroom had a window. She climbed out and went to the police.

They all wondered why she would do something like that. She told them it was because she used to be a cop before she got shot, so she felt like she could get out safely. She also told the police, “They only had one bullet in their gun and they already shot it.”

“How do you know that!” One of the police asked in a really snarky voice.

“Cause after they shot the first time they made the mistake of trying to shoot again but it didn’t fire.” She said back in a really snarky and fast voice. He just ignored her after that. They all thanked her and ran in.

They were in there for less than five minutes and came out with all three robbers. No one was hurt and everyone thanked her. She got the loan she wanted, plus one-hundred thousand dollars for being the “hero”. She drove to her parents house, and saw her kids. She apologize and asked if they need anything. They all started crying and group hugged. If someone asked her what the best day of her life was she would say that day. Even though the bank was getting robbed it helped her to open her eyes and go see her family.

1000. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Bank. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Car Sirens. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Cop Car. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Floor. Digital image. Web. 10 Feb. 2017. <>.

Window. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

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