Kelly Shamon's Sculpture Projects

Group Monsters Project

Head: Octupus

Torso: Human

Arms: Flower

Legs: Dinoseaur

Paper Sculpture

Title: Twisty Butterfly

Year: 2016

Wire Sculpture Project

Title: Beachy Friends

Happiest Moment: At my 15th birthday party with my friends taking pictures at Alki Beach

Year: 2016

Actual Day Being Created

HairTie Siloute

Artists: Kelly Shamon & Allison Gray

project:100 things

item used: Hair Ties

year: 2016

Speckled Sea Turtle

Project: Clay Introduction

Year: 2016

Birds Eye View

Animal Mount

Title: Golden Unicorn

Year: 2016

side view

3Varation coil pot

Title: Varation pink coiles

Coil Types: regular, swirls, balls, & braids

Year: 2016

exterior: light pink

interior: light grey

interior of pot

Maria martinez

Title: Personal scgraffito

Drawings used: flowers, dragonflies, & waves

year: 2016

***was broken and due to kiln although was able to put back together

Slab Mug

Title: Home in the fall

What it represents?

there is this pretty tree my family has in the front of our house and every fall season beautiful leaves fall from it and cover our front yard. I also added the red front door of our house because I alsways felt as if that was a very iconic piece.

Year: 2016

Birds Eye View/Inside
Handle view

Assemblage project

Theme: Everyday Girl

Items Used: headbands, lip gloss, beads, ribbon, eyeshadow, flowers, nail polish, etc.

Year: 2016

Minerature literature

Title: Alphabet Lights

Quote: "Maybe I'm crazy, Maybe I'm out of my mind! But god help me I will keep these lights up till the day I die if I think there's a chance that Will's still out there" -Joyce Byers: Stranger Things

Year: 2016


Title: Sammamish Lily Pads

Material: Aluminum Foil

Year: 2016

Side View

Functional Ceramics: coming soon

Created By
Kelly Shamon

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