Happy Valentine's Day GoodlucK from all of us in Malaysia

Hyacinth macaw of Brazil
Blue and Gold macaw of Malaysia
Bald eagle of US
Millard duck
Scarlet Macaw
Love has become less sort after than Apple iPhones and iPad

Gadgets are easier to handle and have fun with than human companions. Our entire attention from head to toe is owned by telcos. What happened to sending a greeting card or a letter or making that long awaited phonecall or going for that long walk with yours dogs?

Nature made swans, hyacinth macaws including the blue and gold, military and other macaws, bald eagles including the grey and white breasted eagles of Langkawi, gibbons, wolves, otters, prairie voles, black vultures and some hooved animals, all monogamous.

Hyacinth macaw
is all heart

Goodluck in your friendships in all its ups and downs !!!

Happy Valentine's Day 2017

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