Gabriel A. Ray Human Being

I am a first-generation college student, which means that I am the first person in my family to go to college. Earning my bachelor's degree in Media and Communications for Advertising is an important goal of mine. The hope I have is to be the first man in my family who makes a career out of something other than factory work. I want this, not because there is anything wrong with working in a factory, but because I desire to be the example for my future family which proves that one's potential is only limited by how hard they are willing to work to achieve their dreams.

The decision I made to pursue Advertising and Creative-Direction was a culmination of attempting to find a career which would inhibit my natural creative tendencies as well as allow me to learn and be challenged on a daily basis. My creativity has always been a large part of my personality, and has been fed throughout my life by my affinity for the arts such as music, film, literature, photography, comedy, and action sports.

I have a rather diverse set of interests and hobbies ranging from skateboarding, to reading, to raising livestock, as well as hiking. While these things all vary greatly, they all have one thing in common-which is the fact that they give me inspiration to live, create, and enjoy life.

The wise person acts without effort and teaches by quiet example. He accepts things as they come, creates without possessing, nourishes without demanding, accomplishes without taking credit. Because he constantly forgets himself, he is never forgotten


Created with images by pheezy - "Full House Cafe"

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