Chemical Reaction sUEDI xASAN

Career Choice

My career choice is hair stylist.

A chemical compounds or chemical reactions used in my chosen career is hair relaxers.

What is a hair relaxer? hair relaxers area type of cream used by people with tight curls or very curly hair, which makes hair easier to straighten by chemically "relaxing" the natural curls.

How is this chemical compound or chemical reaction?

Hair relaxers are made of ; sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, guanidine carbonate, guandine hydroxide, thioglycolic acid, and lithium hydroxide.

Why is this reaction needed in this career?

Hair relaxers are used in this career because some people who have tight and very curly hair do not want to have that kind of hair type, they want straight hair forever.

Outcomes of hair relaxers.

hair relaxer make the hair become very brittle and break off. Hair relaxers also caused ; scalp irritations, skin burns, permanent scarring, skin drying and cracking, eye damage including blindness and weak.

Websites i used.


Created with images by KOMUnews - "Missouri Professionals May Not Need License"

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