Mission Trip To Haiti

One thing on my bucket list is to go to Haiti for a mission trip.

These are some photos from some of the prettiest places in Haiti and some from the not so pretty Haiti.

Created By
Maggie Hubster


Created with images by desertdutchman - "Two boys" • MichelleWalz - "Haitian Tap Tap" • Ricardo's Photography (Thanks to all the fans!!!) - "Labadee Haiti" • IDVMedia - "Once the ditch was dug, we filled it with rocks, creating a french drain." • IDVMedia - "The current living conditions at the orphanage. While we'd like to help the kids find a more comfortable living situation, education is the orphanage directors' first priority." • Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) - "FMSC Distribution Partner - ReachHaiti"

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