Chapter 3 Joel Erben

Creative - I captured the few decorations around campus and at home. They usually go unappreciated so I thought I would make then stand out a little more. For the creative photo I intentionally made an awful Christmas card. I think it's hilarious and I might send us it for my friends.
Technical - Looking through the list of photographers I found Micheal Kenna, who has a beautiful long exposure photography style. I attempted to duplicate his beach photography style with my top right photo at Daven port beach. To get this photo I had to climb down a small cliff, at night, with a trippod and set up a long exposure photo. Micheal Kennas photographs can sometimes be open for several hours, my small camera can only stay open for just over a minute so this was not possible. To improve the photo I edited contrast, exposure, cropping and straightening, as well as a black and white filter.
Influential/ Self-Reflective/ Thematic - For my passion project I've started getting extremely interested in my car and automotive in general. I also enjoy long exposure and night photography. I'm hoping to combine long exposure or night photography with automotive. I might need a camera that's better for night photography as my G16 struggles with it. I constantly have to worry about grainy photos and bad ISO. I need to find a better balance of ISO to shutter speed.

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