Northern Renaissance Jordan Brooks

The Northern Renaissance

  • At first, the Renaissance was only based in Italy, but then ideas grew to other parts of Europe so the Northern Renaissance is considered as anything outside of Italy.
  • The Northern Renaissance started from the late 15th century
  • The word "Renaissance" is a french word that means "rebirth"

German Painter: Durer

  • Durer was born in Nuremberg, Germany in the year 1471
  • When he was in his twenties, Durer had started to influence Europe with his high-quality woodcut prints.

German painter: Holbein

  • Holbein was dorn in Augsburg, Germany in the year 1497
  • He is known to be the best portraitist in the Renaissance

Flemish Painter: Van Eyck

  • Van Eyck was born in the year 1390, in Maaseik, Belgium
  • He is known as one of the most significant representatives of Northern Renaissance art.

Flemish Painter: Bruegel

  • He was born in the year 1525, in Son en Breugel, Netherlands
  • He was the most significant artist of Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painting, he was a painter and printmaker, known for his landscapes and peasant scene

Christian Humanist: Erasmus

  • He was born in the year 1466
  • Erasmus was a classical scholar and wrote in a pure Latin style.
  • "Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself."

Christian Humanist: More

  • He was born in the year 1478
  • He was an English lawyer and scholar whose writings became famous throughout Europe in the early sixteenth century
  • "I die the king's faithful servant, but God's first."

Christine de Pizan

  • She was born in the year 1364, in Republic of Venice
  • Christine de Pizan was an Italian French late medieval author
  • She wrote both poetry, biographies and books containing practical advice for women.

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