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Prawf Covid-19

Wrth ddychwelyd i Fangor, cofiwch sicrhau maicael prawf Covid yw eich blaenoriaeth gyntaf. Mae profion asymptomatic ar gael i bob myfyriwr yn PJ Hall dydd Llun-dydd Gwener 10-1 a 2-4 ac yn Ystafell Gyffredin Braint yn Ffriddoedd a Acapella yn Santes Fair 12-4pm, ac ni fydd yn ofynnol i chi archebu lle i gael y prawf. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am brofi i'w gweld yma.

Covid-19 Test

When returning to Bangor, please remember to make having a Covid test your first priority. Asymptomatic testing is available for all students to access a test at PJ Hall Monday-Friday 10-1 and 2-4, and at Braint Common room at Ffriddoedd and Acapella at St Mary’s 12-4pm, and you will not be required to book a test. More information on testing can be found here.

Cronfeydd Caledi

Ydych chi'n wynebu caledi ariannol o ganlyniad i'r sefyllfa Coronafirws bresennol? Efallai y gallwch gael gafael ar gymorth ariannol o'r Gronfa Caledi.

Oherwydd yr angen cyfredol am ddysgu ar-lein, mae'r Brifysgol hefyd wedi sefydlu cronfa caledi digidol i

gefnogi myfyrwyr sy'n profi rhwystrau wrth gael mynediad at ddosbarthiadau ar-lein. Hyd yma, mae 350 o fyfyrwyr wedi elwa o'r Gronfa Caledi Ddigidol sy'n galluogi'r myfyrwyr hyn i brynu offer digidol neu ddarpariaeth rhyngrwyd i gael mynediad i'r dysgu ar-lein a ddarperir gan y Brifysgol.

Mae’r cronfeydd caledi yn parhau i fod ar agor i fyfyrwyr newydd a pharhaus sy'n cwrdd â'r meini prawf cymhwysedd. Dewch o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth a meini prawf yma. Gallwch hefyd gysylltu â chymorth arian trwy e-bost yn moneysupport@bangor.ac.uk

Hardship Funds

Are you facing financial hardship as a result of the current Coronavirus situation? You may be able to access financial support from the Hardship Fund.

Because of the current need for online learning, the University have also set up a digital hardship fund to

support students who experience barriers in accessing online delivery. To date, 350 students have benefited from the Digital Hardship Fund enabling these students to purchase digital equipment or internet provision to access the on-line learning provided by the University.

Hardship funds remain open to new and continuing students who meet the eligibility criteria. Find more information and eligibility criteria here. You can also contact money support by email at moneysupport@bangor.ac.uk

Nid yw'r mislif yn stopio mewn pandemig.

I'r rhai hynny ohonoch sy'n cael trafferthion ariannol neu sydd angen ychydig o help, cliciwch ar y cyswllt i archebu cynhyrchion mislif rhad ac am ddim trwy ein cyflenwr i'r cartref, Hey Girls.

Mae Hey Girls wedi gweithio'n agos gyda nifer o brifysgolion, colegau ac ysgolion yn yr Alban felly rydym yn dechrau gweithio mewn partneriaeth â nhw i hwyluso newid yma yng Nghymru!

Chi biau'r dewis - o badiau a thampons ailgylchadwy i gwpanau, padiau a dillad isaf mislif y gellir eu hailddefnyddio.

Mae gwahanol fwndeli a chyfuniadau o gynhyrchion ar gael i'w harchebu ond gofynnwn i chi archebu un bwndel yn unig. Peidiwch â phoeni, dylai fod yn ddigon o gyflenwad am dri mis cyfan!!

Bydd mwy o wybodaeth am y cynllun peilot ar gael o dan adran ymgyrchoedd ar wefan Undeb Bangor yn fuan felly cadwch lygad allan!

Periods don’t stop in the pandemic.

For those of you who are struggling financially or need a bit of a help in hand, click on the link attached to order free period products through our home delivery supplier, Hey Girls.

Hey Girls have worked closely with many universities, colleges and schools in Scotland so let’s partner up with them to facilitate change here in Wales!

From 100% plastic free and recyclable pads and tampons to reusable menstrual cups, pads and underwear- the choice is yours.

Various bundles and combinations of products are available to order but we ask that you only order one. Don’t worry, this should cover you for a whole three months!!

More information about the pilot scheme will be available under the campaigns section of the Undeb Bangor website soon so keep a look out!

Cynrychiolwyr UCM

Oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cynrychioli myfyrwyr ar raddfa genedlaethol? Dyma gyfle gwych i chi! Byddem yn anfon cynrychiolwyr i gynadleddau’r UCM trwy'r flwyddyn nesaf, a chewch gyfle i gynrychioli myfyrwyr trwy drafodaethau polisi, etholiadau democrataidd a mwy! Enwebwch eich hunain am safle rŵan trwy clicio yma.

NUS Delegates

Interested in representing students on a national scale? We have a fantastic opportunity for you! We'll be sending student delegates to NUS Conferences throughout the coming year, where you'll get the opportunity to represent our students on important policy discussions, democractic elections and more! Nominate yourself for a position now by clicking here.

Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb Byw

Oes gennych gwestiynau am semester 2? Hoffwch ragor o wybodaeth am y ddarpariaeth addysg gymysg? Neu efallai eich bod eisiau gwybod sut bydd bywyd yn y Brifysgol yn wahanol eto y semester hwn? Cyflwynwch eich cwestiynau isod a byddem yn eu gofyn i'r Athro Nichola Callow, Athro Oliver Turnbull (Dirprwy Is-ganghellor), Dr Graham Bird a'r Athro Paul Spencer am 5yh ar yr 3ydd o Chwefror yn fyw ar ein tudalen Facebook. Caiff pob cwestiwn i'w ofyn yn ddienw, ond efallai bydd rhaid rhannu eich ysgol academaidd er mwyn sicrhau bod eich cwestiwn yn cael i'w ateb yn gywir.

Live Q&A

Have you got questions about how semester 2 will run? Or maybe you just want to know how University life is going to be different again this semester? Want to know more about the blended learning approach that Bangor University is taking? Submit your question below and we'll be putting them to Professor Nichola Callow, Professor Oliver Turnbull (Deputy Vice Chancellor), Dr Graham Bird and Professor Paul Spencer (PVC) on the 3rd of February at 5pm, live on our Facebook page. All questions will be asked anonymously, although we may provide the executive with your Academic School in order to best answer your questions.

Dewch o hyd i'r Gymdeithas, Clwb neu Brosiect Gwirfoddoli

A wnaethoch chi golli allan ar ymuno â chlwb, cymdeithas neu brosiect gwirfoddoli yn y semester cyntaf? Oeddech chi'n gwybod nad yw hi byth yn rhy hwyr yn y flwyddyn i ymuno ag un o'n grwpiau? Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'n grwpiau yn dal i fod yn weithredol ar-lein, hyd yn oed yn ystod y cyfnod clo! Dewch draw i un o'n sesiynau galw heibio, siaradwch â swyddog sabothol a'n pwyllgorau gweithredol i ddarganfod pa gyfleoedd sydd ar gael a dod o hyd i'r grŵp i chi.

Find the society, club or volunteering project for you.

Did you miss out on joining a club, society or volunteering project in first semester? Did you know that it is never too late in the year to join one of our groups? Most of our groups are still active online, even during lockdown! Come along to one of our drop-ins, talk to a sabbatical officer and our executive committees to find out what opportunities are available and find the group for you.

Gwobrau Cymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Mae Enwebiadau Gwobrau Cymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli bellach ar agor. Ydych chi'n rhan o cymdeithas neu brosiect gwirfoddoli rydych chi'n meddwl sydd wedi mynd yn uwch a thu hwnt? Neu a ydych chi'n gwybod am unigolyn sy'n haeddu cydnabyddiaeth am y gwaith caled y mae'n ei wneud i'w ei Gymdeithas neu Prosiect? Sicrhewch nad yw'r cyflawniadau hyn yn mynd heb i neb sylwi!

Societies & Volunteering Awards

Societies and volunteering Award Nominations are now open. Are you part of a society or volunteering Project that you think has gone above and beyond this year? Or do you know of an individual who deserves recognition for the hard work they do for their Society of Project? Make sure these achievements don't go unnoticed and nominate today.

Diolch am Ddarllen! | Thanks for Reading!

Created By
Richard Glyn


Created with an image by BlenderTimer - "coronavirus corona virus"