Giorgione in the Renaissance Casey Byrne block 1

Giorgione was born in Venice, Italy in 1477 where he spent most his life.

Giorgione learned the techniques of nature, lighting, tone, color and naturalism by being an apprentice to Giovanni Bellini. He also took a lot of poetry into his work.

Not much is known of Giorgione's life. However, we do know it was short. He died in 1510 at the age of 33 due to the plague in Venice. He spent most of his life working on his art before he passed away.

Giorgione's name means "Tall George," implying he was a large man.

Giorgione was a painter. Some works of his include, "The Tempest," "Trail of Moses," and "Judgement of Solomon."

Today, we are still unsure of Giorgione's patrons. However, we can assume that Isabella d'Este, a popular patron during his time, could have been a patron of his.

"The Tempest," Giorgione ca. 1510.

This painting is housed at Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, Italy.

The significance of this piece is the extraordinary naturalism and technique used in the painting.

Personally, I find the piece so interesting because I love how the meaning of the painting is so controversial, we still don't know for sure the true meaning of it. I see it as the storm representing something bad coming, and the soldier and mother representing a sort of protection.

This piece strongly reveals naturalism as the qualities of the painting are very close to how they would look during the time it was done. I especially look at the storm, the detail of the clouds and the reflection in the sky from the lighting bolt. I also notice the shadows on the people and the town, just how they wold be in real life. Lastly, I notice the trees and the exquisite detail to them, again, just like they are in real life.

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