Individuals with the personality of a ESFP (Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving), are people lovers, who love to talk, be the center of attention, and love to have fun!

For the ESFP people, we created a smartwatch that plays music louder than the average smartwatch. This way wherever this individual may go, others may follow. Do you like to be the center of attention? Find the new DRUMwatch in participating stores near you.

Are you the completeĀ oppositeĀ of ESFP?


Individuals with the personality of a INTJ (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging). These people are perfectionists, with self-confidence, and an unlimited imagination.

For the INTJ people, we designed a tablet that you can hook up to a head device, and while you sleep it creates and records your wildest dreams in a visual. This allows for those INTJ dreamers and imagination pursers to see, record, show, and remember all that they've ever dreamed.

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