
There are many things about Fiji's location that makes it the ideal vacation spot. It is located near the equator so it is hot year round. the average temperature during their summers in Fiji is 79F. During their cold months, the average temperature is 73F. March is the rainiest month Fiji has. The capital of Fiji is Suva which has a population of 77,366. Lautoka is the second most popular city with a population of 52,500.


Fiji became a independent state in 1970. Fiji was settled around 3500 to 1000 B.C. by voyaging traders and settlers from the west. These people were the Lapita people and many pottery artifacts have been found around the country. Constant warfare and cannibalism between warring tribes was a part of everyday life. In the 19th century, leader Ratu Udre is said to have eaten 872 people and made a pile of stones to record this number and show off to others in the tribe.


Fiji covers 18,274 square kilometers of land and is the 158th largest nation. The elevation of the capital of Fiji is 57 meters over sea level. Its climate is warm year-round and its warmest season is from November to April. Rainfall is variable. The warm season has heavier rainfall. Winds are moderate and cyclones can occur about once a year. On February 20, 2016 Fiji was hit by Cyclone Winston, a category 5 tropical cyclone. It destroyed thousands of homes, killed 44 people, and caused about $1 billion in damage.

Things to do in Fiji

There are many things that you can do in Fiji. Some things for example are snorkeling, ziplining, windsurfing, surfing, sightseeing, hiking trails, taking mud baths, visit historical sights and relaxing on the beach. You can also rent your own island for a couple of nights for yourself and take tours to other islands on a boat.


When you are invited to a village, take off your hat because it is considered an insult to the chief. Also leave your shoes outside the door when entering a home and keep in mind that it's also insulting to touch someone's head. Visitors will find Christian churches, mosques, and Sikh and Hindu temples throughout the country. Visitors are more than welcome to join the locals for Sunday worship and it's highly recommended, even if you're not that religious.

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