The Five Senses Text Set

This text set is expected to be used for kindergarteners and the main topic is the Five Senses. Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, Hear

This topic is important because students need to understand that the five senses can help us observe and understand the world around us. I also think this important to show the students that not everyone has all five senses and that even though they may be different they still use their senses.

  • Title: My Five Senses
  • Author: Aliki Brandenberg
  • Illustrator: Aliki Brandenberg
  • Publisher: HarperCollins; Revised Edition (August 4, 2015)
  • ISBN: 978-0062381927
  • Number of Pages: 32
  • Genre: Speculative Fiction

This book talks about how we use our five senses everyday. This book shows how they can use their senses to smell a rose or play with a dog. It gives great examples that students can relate to.

Reading Fluency and Vocabulary Development

RL.K.1 – With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify which of the five senses is being used in the text.

This books aligns with the standards and objective because it describes one of the five senses but doesn't give the answer. This allows for the students to think deeper on which sense is being used.

  • Title: Let's Play Science
  • Author: Mary Stetten Carson
  • Illustrator: Susan Nethery
  • Publisher: Sterling; Revised edition (August 1, 2007)
  • ISBN: 978-1402736278
  • Number of Pages: 98
  • Genre: Non-Fiction

This book is a non-fiction book that has several science experiments that students can do on their own. I think this is a great book because the students have to read and follow along with the experiment. They will also have to follow the procedures and steps as the book describes.

Phonemic Awareness and Reading Fluency

SL.K.3 – Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to construct a science experiment on the five senses after questions are asked and answered about the text.

This book allows for the students to see what it is like to work through a certain procedure. By asking questions the students will gain a better understanding of the text and it will also broaden their knowledge on the five senses.

  • Title: Senses in the City
  • Author: Shelley Rotner
  • Illustrator: Shelley Rotner
  • Publisher: Millbrook Press (April 1, 2008)
  • ISBN: 978-0822575023
  • Number of Pages: 32
  • Genre: Non-Fiction

This book describes different ways we can use our senses in the city. Hearing a train, seeing all the building are a couple examples. This would be a great book to have class discussions about what senses they use in their hometown.

Reading Comprehension Strategies and Vocabulary Development

SL.K.1 – Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss with the class what sense they think they use most when they are at home.

This book is a great way for the students to gain an understanding on how to use their different senses. It also allows for the students to realize that you can use more than one sense to describe something. For instance, you hear the train but you can also see the train depending on if they are by it.

  • Title: I wonder why lemons taste sour and other Questions about Senses
  • Author: Deborah Chancellor
  • Illustrator: Deborah Chancellor
  • Publisher: Kingfisher; Ill edition (July 15, 2007)
  • ISBN: 978-0753460887
  • Number of Pages: 32
  • Genre: Information Non-Fiction

This book is a great way for students to figure out how some animals communicate and how some people or animals use their senses differently than others. This book has some great pictures and also some great illustrations to improve the readers understanding.

Vocabulary Development

RL.K.1 – With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recite which of the five senses is being used in a certain part of the text.

I think this book is a great way for students to experiment which of the five senses is being explained. I also think that once the sense is identified the teacher could ask them if they could use a different sense to describe the object.

  • Title: David Smells
  • Author: David Shannon
  • Illustrator: David Shannon
  • Publisher: The Blue Sky Press (September 1, 2005)
  • ISBN: 978-0439691383
  • Number of Pages: 12
  • Genre: Fiction-Comedy and Humor

This book is a very humorous book similar to No, David. This book is a great fiction book for students to read and learn about the five senses. This book is a great introduction to the Five Senses because throughout the book David is discovering something new about the five senses. Whether its from petting the dog to banging on a drum.

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics

RF.K.1a – Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to summarize how to correctly read and follow along to a text.

I think this a great book to introduce to the students on how to read and follow along correctly to a book. It has great illustrations but it also has quite a bit of humor throughout the book. This allows the students to enjoy the text while they are learning to correctly read a book.

  • Title: Hooray for Hoppy
  • Author: Tim Hopgood
  • Illustrator: Tim Hopgood
  • Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) (February 10, 2015)
  • ISBN: 978-0374301293
  • Number of Pages: 32
  • Genre: Young Adult Fiction

This book is about a rabbit named Hoppy and him waking up for spring. It uses the five senses to describe what Hoppy is experiencing once he wakes up from winter. The photos are very colorful and really catch the readers eye.

Reading Fluency and Phonics

RI.K.5 – Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to locate the front, back and title page of the book.

This book is a great book to describe the five senses. Since the students are learning about the five senses already I thought by introducing what the front, back and title page of the book would be a great way to incorporate science and literature. Since there is not a illustrator on the front page I thought it may confuse the students so I thought by sharing a book with the same author and illustrator would allow to students to better understand not all books have a different author and illustrator.

  • Title: The Five Senses/The Dr. Binocs Show
  • Author: Peekaboo Kids

This video is a great way to introduce the five senses. The video gives details about each sense which makes it easy for a young audience to understand and follow along with.

Phonemic Awareness and Vocabulary Development

Listening and viewing

SL.K.1 – Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to paraphrase with a partner the information provided in the video.

I thought this video was a great way to introduce the five senses in a fun way. It describes the five senses very well and in a way that would be easy for young students like kindergarteners to understand. It is also a great way to see if students are listening and paying attention in class.

  • Title: Every Second Something Happens
  • Author: Christine San Jose and Bill Johnson
  • Illustrator: Melanie Hall
  • Publisher: WordSong (August 1, 2009)
  • ISBN: 978-1590786222
  • Number of Pages: 48
  • Genre: Poetry

This book is full of poems about the five senses. This book allows the readers to rely on their five senses to describe some of their everyday life experiences and how they can relate to the experiences in the book.

Phonemic Awareness and Reading Fluency

RF.K.2a – Recognize and produce rhyming words.


By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to construct a list of rhyming words.

I thought that this book was a great way to introduce poetry to the students. The poems use words that rhyme or sound very similar but don't always rhyme. By using this book the students will gain a better understanding of what a rhyming word is and help them create their own list of rhyming words.

  • Title: Cold, Crunchy, Colorful: Using our Senses
  • Author: Jane Brocket
  • Illustrator: Jane Brocket
  • Publisher: Millbrook Pr Trade (January 1, 2014)
  • ISBN: 978-1467702331
  • Number of pages: 32
  • Genre: Juvenile Literature-Picturebook

This is a book that describes the senses with few words and a lot of pictures. The students will really enjoy these bright and colorful illustrations throughout the book.

Reading Comprehension Strategies and Vocabulary Development

RL.K.10 – Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Reading and Viewing

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to summarize the book in a group discussion.

I thought that the illustrations in the book were very colorful and creative. The reason I put viewing along with reading is because I want the students to look at some of the pictures in this book. I want them to do a picture walk and discuss in groups what they think the pictures are saying. Then I will have them read in groups and they will explain to each other what they got from the book.

  • Title: Nosy Rosy
  • Author: Peter Curry
  • Illustrator: Peter Curry
  • Publisher: HarperCollins UK (May 1, 2000)
  • ISBN: 978-0001983564
  • Number of Pages: 28
  • Genre: Juvenile Fiction-Picutre Book

This picture book is about an anteater who just can't stop bothering everyone and is always getting into their business. This book describes the five senses while Rosy is getting into everyones business throughout the day. But being nosy has its perks because at the end of the book Rosy spots a thief and the thief gets arrested.

Reading Fluency and Vocabulary Development

RL.K.7 – With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear

Reading and Critical thinking

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe in their own words what the illustrations are saying in the book.

I think that this book would be a great book to have a class discussion on the illustrations in the book. The teacher could ask the students what they think the illustrations are saying and then have them get with their shoulder partner and read that page of the book. This allows the students to think more critically and they also get to work on their reading skills


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