Colin's Religious Tour of the World!!! #herewego Colin Dalgetty 4A

August 17, 2016 - I start my journey on a flight from the DFW International Airport to Jerusalem in Israel to see the original Temple Mount and to see the Western Wall. I will also be visiting a synagogue in Israel. The Western Wall is the last remaining wall of the 2nd Temple. It is located on the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock sits today. It is upheld by the Jewish community and is the last site left of the ancient temple.

Here is the Western Wall.

August 19, 2016 - Today I visited the Synagogue in Jerusalem, the Belz Great Synagogue. It is huge, the main worship center can accommodate for 10,000 people. All the seats are wooden benches like a traditional catholic church pews.

August 23, 2016 - I traveled to The Dome of the Rock today. I was not allowed in until 1:30 and could only stay 'till 2:30 because I am not a Muslim. I could only see the outside as the inside is reserved for the Islamic community only, but a friend I met in Israel who was Muslim went in and took some pictures for me, it is pretty cool with this thing called a foundation stone which the Jewish believe is the holiest of holiest place wherever that rock is. The gold on the top is very bright and beautiful. There is also a Mosque inside which the Muslims use to worship their god.

This is the foundation Rock which is known to be the holiest of holiest.

August 29, 2016 - Today I went to Mecca!! It is in Saudi Arabia and is the most sacred place for all Muslims. All Muslims that can afford it are required to go as the five pillars state it. Muslims also must pray in the direction Ka'ba. I am not allowed to enter there is a road block and I couldn't get in but I got to go. Here are some pictures that another Muslim friend took for me awhile back.

September 4, 2016 - I headed back to Israel to explore the Christian Religion and I went to many church services and walked to places that the god they worshiped, Jesus and God, went to. I went to the Jordan River where in the bible it says that Christ was baptized there and watched people get baptized. I also visited the mount of olives which is believed that Jesus went to pray there before he was crucified. I also saw the Mount of Olives burial site where many Christians and Jews are buried because when Jesus comes back to earth he is going to enter through the golden gate and that is where it is believed to be.

This is the grave site with over 150,000 graves
This woman is getting baptized
Mount of Olives

September 11, 2016 - Many Hindu's travel on a pilgrimage to the seven holy cities: Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar, Varanasi, Kanchipuram, Dvaraka, and Ujjain. I will be visiting each one with a small caption under a picture for each and I am going in the order on the list.

This is Ayodhya and is located in north India and is the supposed birthplace for Rama and once had a temple which was destroyed.
Mathura is the second holy city I visited and it is the birthplace of Lord Krishna and once had a tenmple as well, the Keshva Dev Temple.
Haridwar is a holy city which the river Ganges runs through where the have their ceremonial bathing.
The fourth City I was able to visit was Varanasi and they are also on the banks of the Ganges. Buddha is thought to have founded Buddhism here.
Kanchipuram is a holy city for the Hindus as well this city houses four ancient Hindu temples.
Dvaraka is the second to last city I visited and they have casles and temples all throughout
The last city I visited is nicknamed "temple city"

September 30, 2016 - Buddhism is the last religion I am going to explore. I visited Lumbini first because it was where Buddha was born and raised. Many people call it the Mecca of Buddhist. It houses the Maya Devi Temple the most holy temple for the Buddhist.

Thank you for following along with my blog!!

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