My (So Far) Awesome Year In Review By kyle greene

I currently live in San Dimas, California
I go to San Dimas High School. And this slideshow is my year in review...
New Final Cut Pro, Preferred Video Editing Software
Old Final Cut Pro, A few of outdated features, but still a very reliable editing software
My Favorite Project So Far...
This is also one of my favorite projects...
A lot of time and effort has gone into these projects. Be able to create these projects took time and effort, along with trails and tribulations from from my previous years in video. It has been an awesome experience being able to create these types of video with incredible editing software such as Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, etc. And by the guidance from my teachers and friends. Such a pleasant way to end the year.


Created with images by N@ncyN@nce - "Things you see in San Dimas, California" • N@ncyN@nce - "San Dimas, California"

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