Biological Engineer By: Jillian Paige mullen

What is Biological Engineer?

Biological engineering or bio-engineering (including biological systems engineering) is the application of concepts and methods of biology (and secondarily of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science) to solve real-world problems related to life sciences

Job Needs

Education: Bachelor's degree in biological engineering

Job Skills: Analytical skill, communication, experimental skill, problem solving

Median Salary: (2015)* $75,090 (all agricultural engineers)$84,560 (all biomedical engineers)

Job Growth: (2014-2024)* 4% (all agricultural engineers)12% (all biomedical engineers)

Examples of a Biological Engineering:

1. Bio engineering has contributed greatly to the field of biomedical electronics. Engineers, together with medical staff, have developed a range of electronic devices to make caring for patients easier. Examples include imaging systems, such as MRI and CT scans, and ICU equipment to care for severely ill patients.

2. Another example of bio engineering is prosthetic limbs. Engineers use computers and conventional engineering methods to build artificial limbs and joints. These prosthetics are able to withstand high forces and can restore a certain amount of movement to the patient. Bio engineering has also allowed for the development of artificial organs. These range from common devices such as hearing aids to far more complex devices such as artificial hearts.

3. Other examples of bio engineering include devices to help athletes rehabilitate after an injury, blood pressure control systems and astronaut monitoring suits. Bioengineering is also used to develop suits for deep sea diving, where divers are subjected to high amounts of water pressure.

Jobs that involve Biological Engineering:

Process Design Engineer – Designs manufacturing facilities and the equipment and material used inside.

Environmental Engineer – Develops techniques to reduce and recover usable materials from waste created during product manufacture.

Plant Process Engineer – Provides technical support and troubleshoots processes in a production facility.

Process Safety Engineer – Designs and maintains plants and processes that are safer for workers and communities.

Project Engineer – Oversees the design and construction of specific processes in a facility.

Research & Development Engineer – Seeks out new and efficient ways of producing existing products. Explores and develops new processes and products.

Attorney – Specializes in intellectual property, patent law, environmental compliance and safety issues.

Biomedical Engineer – Works to develop artificial organs and to develop new treatments for human diseases.

Technical Manager – Manages people, research programs and daily operations of the engineering functions.

Professor – Instructs students in the field of chemical engineering and conducts research in pertinent areas.

Quality Control Engineer – Monitors the manufacture of a product to ensure that it meets specifications. Also, tests materials to determine how they perform over time.

Technical Services Engineer – Works with customers, usually on-site, to solve production problems caused by a specific process or machine.


Created with images by RDECOM - "Army scientist readies Soldiers’ masks for chem-bio hazards" • Kingsway School - "open evening (17 of 57)" • RDECOM - "RDECOM's Advanced Chemistry Laboratory is on the forefront of science" • jurvetson - "Biogenic CBM"

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