The Statue of liberty By: Jack Zellweger

Location Details

Last year marked the 130th year anniversary of the greatest monument in the world. The statue of liberty started construction in the month of September 1875 in the New York harbor.

The pedestal or the base of the statue of liberty was not fully ready when the statue of liberty arrived on June 17 1874.

Historical information

The statue of liberty came to the United States on the Three-masted sailing ship Isere in 214 wooden crates. A three masted sailing ship is one ship that has another ship connected to the end of the first one. Then the second has a third ship connected to the end of it.


The creator of the Statue of liberty was created by a french sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Frederic Bartholdi was born in Comar, France. On April 2, 1834 and died in the City of Paris at the age of 48 October 4, 1904 by an infection called Tuberculosis.

Picture of the creator for the statue of liberty Frederic Auguste Bartholdi

The statue total cost of the statue was 700,000 thousand dollars. $400,000 of that was the statue and the other$300,000 was the pedestal.

About how much the statue of liberty cost

What the surprising part is that the statue of liberty cost 40 times more that what the whole statue cost which is $28 million dollars and that's just to clean it.

The tablet that is in lady liberty hands have roman numerals that has the date July 4, 1776 or independence day. This is also the date of american Declaration of independence from England.

A photo article declaration of independence United States national animal

The Statue of liberty was a gift from France for an alliance. Thew statue of liberty also weighs 156 tons or 312,000 pounds.

From the time of 1892 and 1932 more than 12 million people have visited Ellis island. Some of the 12 million people came from all over the world.

About 12 million people

In the 1970's Lady Liberty needed major repairs her copper skin became damaged by years of exposure to saltwater, and wind.

The statue of liberty was never that greenish color it was originally the color of copper. The stature of liberty changed color due to the salt water.

two version of the statue of liberty. One's the original color which is copper and the other is the greenish color.

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