Harn Museum Tour By: John Ramos

Technique of the Artist

This painting by Childe Hassam was striking to me in the technique used. Hassam used very short brush strokes when doing this piece which really stood out when looking at it in person. The viewer can see every single brush stroke that Hassam made. To me it communicated a sense of being overwhelmed in the grandiose and sometimes daunting world. My initial feeling towards it was a sense of awe and wonder but also empathy for the man in the water. It was one of the pieces that really stuck with me.

Design of the Musem

The Asian Water Garden was the most appealing to me because it evoked a feeling of calmness in me and made me want to stay and admire it for quite some time. It was appealing because of the use of space. In a very small space outside of the museum, the designers were able to fit waterfalls and bridges and really give it an Asian feeling. It made me feel calm and helped to forget my everyday problems for just a second. It allowed me to relax and enjoy nature and also seems like a nice place to go and meditate.

Art and Core Values

This statue called Uma-Mahesvara appeals to my core value of hard work and dedication. This intricate sculpture most likely took plenty of hard work and dedication to complete and it helps me appreciate this core value. By appreciating this artist's hard work, I can apply their dedication to my own life whenever I am faced with a task in which I need to work hard and persevere. It instills in me an emotion of awe and admiration at what someone is able to accomplish when they have purpose and work hard. It helps me to better understand what is possible when you put your mind to something.

Art and the Good Life

St. Jean's Bay by Leon Kroll evokes the Good Life theme of achieving. The people in the painting are living a life of simplicity and are living deliberately while achieving the Good Life. They are enjoying nature instead of preoccupying themselves with unnecessary distractions. It adds to my appreciation of this theme because their life is something that I would like to embody in my everyday life as well.

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