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the video will go here !!

Remember that they work really hard to ensure that you will get the best learning experience possible!
Apply NOW!!

Titan Connection

Use the Titan Connection app to apply for academic internship

Follow these steps to apply for an internship:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Jobs & Internships
  3. Click on View Jobs & Internships on Titan Connection
  4. Log in with your username, password
  5. In Jobs & Internships, Click on Titan Connection Jobs
  6. Choose your major/ areas of interest
  7. Click on the advance search
  8. From Position Type, choose Intern (academic/ for college-credit)
  9. APPLY!

Now let's navigate the Titan Connection together!

The creators

Mohammad, Vy and James

CICE is so useful for CSU Fullerton students. They work hard to make sure that you will get the most for your time, and they also work hard to ensure that you are in a safe environment.

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