required information this career requires a college or technical degree-4 years college or 2 year university

skills required: you have to be calm , observant , problem solving , work well as a team and detail-oriented
salary: the annual salary or hourly rate is 38k-116k. it increases and the least you can make is 38k and the most is 116k

Eduacation difference in your salary

job and duty : the job description - specially trained police offericers who investigate and solve crimes of all type from hominid to fraud - there are no hours or days that are needed to work to day this career is found in every city and is done both inside and out
job benefits and draw backs : a good thing about the job is i could work with a team and get lots of money and a draw back is i won't have as much time to spend with family and i might have to see dead people


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