
Power edTech Weekly October 5, 2020


Happy October! Now that school has been in session for a few weeks, I feel like I’m going to be able to stop putting out fires and focus on helping you all move forward. Resetting passwords and helping fix problems is extremely important, and that is part of the life of technology. But there can be so much more, and I’ve got a few things this week for you to consider to help “raise the bar” and move things forward.

Help for Students and Families

I’m in the process of setting up a website that students and families can access for quick help with the technology they are using. My goal with this is to have plenty of resources available so they can get quick answers, and contact the right people to get their question answered. Check out and share the website below!

This Week’s Quick Tips!

Getting ready for Hybrid Learning

Teaching remotely can be a challenge. Managing a combination of students IRL (in real life) and online can seem like a daunting task. I listened to a fantastic episode of the Cult of Pedagogy recently and picked up some quick tips and things to think about as we prepare to enter the Hybrid learning stage of life within the month. Check out this blog article for the scoop.

McGraw Hill & StudySync

There have been a number of “quirks” with McGraw Hill and specifically the StudySync application.

StudySync - Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot issues with StudySync. If you have students that are using an iPad as their primary device, here’s an additional tutorial to connect the StudySync iPad app with their account.

Zoom Tips for Students

Students at the high school level have been assigned Zoom accounts and will need to log into their school Zoom account to access meetings. Here are some tips to help then to navigate this process:

Jumpstart Videos for Students & Families

Remote learning in the home environment can be a challenge, especially with multiple people working from home and sharing devices. I’m starting a series of quick tips and tutorials for student and families that I’m calling the “Jumpstart!” Series. Here are some tips to share with students and families:

Tips for the Google

I’ve got one major tip for everyone this week: Please don’t archive classes. See the video below, but the plain and simple of this is that you should not archive a class in October. What’s happening most often is that co-teachers of a class are “organizing” their classroom dashboard, and clicking “Archive” in a class that they are helping with, so it’s removed from their list. This CLOSES the class for everyone. So please, don’t do it.

Created By
Anthony Amitrano


Created with images by Mwesigwa Joel - untitled image • JESHOOTS-com - "laptop woman education" • 14995841 - "teacher learning school" • Suad Kamardeen - "Exploring what it means to “let loose” and simply create." • sasint - "students adult asia" • Gustavo Zambelli - "Balboa House" • ndemello - "sign stop warning" • Marvin Meyer - "untitled image"