"Eli Manning" by Mark Stewart November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"Manning dodged tacklers and twisted away from the Patriots as they crawled at his uniform. Moments before Manning was tackled, he completed a long pass to David Tyree. When Manning rose to his feet, the football world saw a new superstar. It was an amazing pass under incredible pressure." (p. 5)

Based upon the context clues, the word "pressure" means everybody is counting on you and just you.

"Early in the 2007 season, many fans and some of the team's coaches did not believe that Eli Manning was ready to win the big game. Manning's teammates believed in him, though. As the Giants went through many ups and downs, the team grew stronger and more confident in their younger leader." (p. 6)

Based upon the context clues, the word "confident" means having courage in yourself or somebody else.

"In each game, Manning showed that he was a championship quarterback. He stayed calm and cool. He waited for the defense to make a mistake and then took advantage. Each playoff game was close." (p. 7)

Based upon the context clues, the word "advantage" means having more power over something or somebody.

"At home, Eli and Olivia smiled quietly while Archie, Peyton, and Cooper competed for attention." (p. 12)

Based upon the context clues, the word "competed" means to be in competition with somebody.

"He would pin his little brother to the floor and not release him until he named every football team in the Southeastern Conference. This was not Eli's strength. "Eli's not big on sports history or statistics," his father laughs." (p.13)

Based upon the context clues, the word "conference" means a group of teams in the Southeastern part.

"Peyton was the quarterback, and Cooper was his favorite receiver. Both earned college scholarships. Eli joined the Newman High team and also had a great success. In his third and fourth seasons as the team's starting quarterback, Eli led the Greenies to the state playoffs." (p.14)

Based upon the context clues, the word "scholarships" means that your learning at a high level.

"Every spring, all 32 teams in the NFL draft, or choose, the best college talent." (p.20)

Based upon the context clues, the word "draft" means to choose.

"Eli manning had everything a young NFL quarterback could ask for. He had a strong arm and quick mind. His new team, the Giants, had good running backs and receivers. But the rookie lacked experience. "I have a lot of work to do," he realized." (p.23)

Based upon the context clues, the word "rookie" means somebody who is new to a professional team.




Created with images by Mike Lizzi - "Eli Manning - New York Giants" • familymwr - "Sanders Sweeps TD 8419" • keijj44 - "volleyball player female athlete" • woodleywonderworks - "grateful" • keijj44 - "lacrosse hitting player" • Auburn Alumni Association - "AU vs. LSU 9/22/12" • AliHanlon - "Scholarship Recognition" • Air21 Express - "PBA Rookie Draft" • Matthew Straubmuller - "Eagles vs Redskins"

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