SWOT Product BMW M9


Every BMW that comes out has some type of different Interior and Exterior model. Their process improves

BMW is planning to launch models that run on alternative fuels like electricity and natural gas.

BMW created a poll over 100,000+ highly skilled employees who work in other countries then their rivals.


Younger people are more likely to spend their money on electronic appliances than a premium car like BMW

  • BMW has very few strategic alliances. That's what gives a lot of their competitors an edge over them.

BMW has had technical functionality on cars, and also they had airbag concerns and that affects their image.


Increasing the product brand and introducing them to new models, they can increase sales, and customers can buy different cars under BMW.

By increasing the models, and different improvements into the car into premium brands makes the BMW brand faster.

Entering new models from the company will increase the revenue.


Companies with low prices and luxurious exteriors and interiors is what makes competition.

High prices for the car will make people not want to buy it

Fuel prices that are expensive can also affect the brand.

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