Reform Movements By Wesley Ferris period - 1

In the Second Great Awakening there were many foundations for reform. There was a revival of religious beliefs which emphasized individuals role in their societies. There was also a movement called transcendentalist. This was the belief in the goodness of men. Many transcendentalist leaders such as a Henry David Thoreau advocated that people challenge laws by not obeying them.

Many people of all races were speaking out against slavery. Slavery in the north was abolished in the early 1800's while it was still legal in the south. These political differences in the United States would split the North and South and eventually help lead to civil war. Many slaves such as Frederick Douglass escaped and then spoke out against slavery to help abolish it. Some escaped slaves like Harriet Tubman even came back to help others escape.

Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton helped progress he woman's rights movement. At this time there was no woman's suffrage and woman could not hold office. Any wages or property the woman owned belonged to her husband and not her. The Seneca Falls Convention demanded equality for woman. Sadly, this wouldn't be true until the 20th century.

Website to learn more.

Dorothea Dix went to do a Sunday school class at jail. While she was there, she saw the cruel and unusual punishment towards prisoners. Inmates bound to chains and children in prison cells with adult men. She wanted to change the way prisoners were treated in America. She helped outlaw cruel punishments and founded he juvenile detention center. She also created a mental hospital for the mentally ill.

Temperance is the abstinence from drinking alcohol. Many woman, men, and children drankalcohol this time. In the late 1820's, the temperance movement sought to ban alcohol in the USA. By 1850 Maine and other states began to ban alcohol. Many illegal groups formed because of this such as the Maffia. This was eventually abolished and alcohol was brought back and made legal again.
In the mid 1800's the education reforms began. People such as a Horace Mann helped speak the importance of public education. States began to increase public education. This led to many states voting to pay taxes for public education. Girls didn't have as many opportunities to go to school and college in the beginning of this reform.


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