Death Valley Conservation And Why We Need To Preserve It

Death Valley is a national park that was first designated as a National Monument in 1933, but was then upgraded to National Park Status in 1994.

Death Valley: We need it to survive

One of the many ancient relics left at the mercy of nature

Despite it being one of the most visited parks in America, the park service is woefully understaffed, usually containing two rangers per station. And due to the isolated location of the park, it gets neglected of any infrastructure needs. This is on top of devastating flash floods that damaged many roads and the famous Scotty's Castle. By helping the park staff monitor the endangered species, we can alleviate the heavy workload on the rangers.

In a 2015 flash flood, Scotty's castle, one of the park's greatest attraction, was closed due to raging waters collapsing a wall subsequently filling the castle with a foot of mud. The castle is scheduled to reopen in 2019.

What are the stakes?

The Devil's Hole Pupfish is found only in a 20 foot pool of water in the Park
The Eureka Sand Dune Kangaroo Rat is the only living species from this rat family
Found in the park's natural springs only 200 remain

Our inspiration and mentor: Michael Brune

Michael is a lifelong advocate of protecting the most vulnerable landscapes. Michael has worked with Greenpeace and the Rainforest Action Network to further the cause of conservation.

Why are we needed?

In working with the park rangers we can effectively monitor and protect these endangered species. To ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonderful diversity in Death Valley national park.

"It is an incalculable added pleasure to any one's sum of happiness if he or she grows to know, even slightly and imperfectly, how to read and enjoy the wonder-book of nature."

If interested in volunteering please reach us at


Created with images by dwblakey - "Last Chance Range from Eureka Valley" • skeeze - "desert road landscape" • jkirkhart35 - "This Truck Went to The Racetrack" • mcn2zst - "_D032798 scotty's castle" • CaliforniaDFW - "Female Desert Pupfish" • USFWS Pacific Southwest Region - "Tipton Kangaroo Rat" • USDAgov - "Amargosa toad" • Climate Watch - "Michael Brune" • skeeze - "borax wagons desert historical" • jar [o] - "Death Valley 2016 #9" • Bob Dass - "Death Valley National Park, California" • Strange Ones - "Deep Shadows - Death Valley" • Bill Sargent - "TR: гнездование куклы (nesting dolls)"

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