The Raven Edgar allan poe

A man mourns about his wife and the darkness inside him. He hears the door and speaks, "Linore!" He sees a raven who's name is Nevermore. He speaks of his memories of Linore and the raven speaks, "Nevermore"

He calls it evil and asks him of a balm in Gilead since he implores. The raven says, "Nevermore." He asks of his angel Linore. The raven speaks, "Nevermore"

The Raven is about a man who has lost his wife and mourns about her. He hears a knocking and sees a raven who keeps on saying nevermore. The poem talks about losing a loved one and that you will never get them back. The raven represents darkness, death, telling you that you will never get them back


Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "raven raven bird crow" • kboom831 - "letters door city" • DandelionL - "dendrobium chinese herbal medicines food" • Lplatebigcheese - "In memory of the infant son Frances"

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