Packing For the Perfect Trip by: Jordan Pelfrey

The reason why I'm telling you all these steps is I have had personal experiences where I needed these steps. My mom told me all these simple steps. If you follow these steps you will be able to pack and be ready for any adventure you take.

First you need to know why exactly are you going there. Are you visiting for family, business, or just traveling. There are many reasons why you are going somewhere that is the first thing you want to keep in mind.
Second you want to make a checklist of all the things you want to take with you. Like clothes, tooth brush, accessories, shoes, underwear, and other items like that. You want to make sure if you are bringing somebody along with you, I would make sure they have everything they need. A good thing to do is go over each other's checklist.
Third it was be a good idea to research diseases that are well known in the region you are traveling. If they are any diseases in that country it would be good for you to go and get good vaccines that will keep you from those diseases.
Lastly look at animals or groups of people that may cause danger to you while you are on your trip. Like for example, look at dangerous animals that be in that country. Being aware of your surroundings while on your trip is always a good idea. Keep in mind there are many things that may take you by surprise.

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