Arda mad A source for the nerdiest among Tolkien nerds

Tolkien's work isn't limited to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings...

The Middle-Earth legendarium is sprawling, messy, colossal in scope. What is canon? We just don't know. For the rookie who's interest was caught by the flashy (and admittedly terrific) films, it can seem a treacherous terrain to navigate. This website is intended to the casual nerd dig deeper into the Professor's amazing world.

There's a wealth of stories and great characters in there. Go find them!

Bookish fancies

Of course, we start with the books. Most folk have read The Hobbit, and if you're nerdy enough to be here, I can safely guess you've tackled (or tried to tackle) The Lord of the Rings. And where do you go from there?

The first stop is the Silmarillion. You've probably heard of it. You're probably a little bit scared of it. Don't fret - most everyone was after reading the first three lines.

A reading guide could be that friend that carries you to Mount Doom. If you're setting out into the realm of The Silmarillion, check out this one.

GEt in with the fandom

One great thing about Tolkien nerds is we've been nerds forever - the fandom was huge even before the films, and it's probably going to stay huge for a long time. This great thing called the Internet made the potential for fandom even greater.

20 questions (or 2000)

With so much to read, it can be easy to lose track of who is who and what is what, and what on earth happened when? So check out this fantastic blog, Ask Middle-Earth. It's basically Tolkien in the flesh. Basically.

With such a colossal cast of characters, it's easy to lose track of names, deeds, and all the drama. So click on over to the Silmarillion Writer's Guild, who have an

Not just middle-earth

Don't forget that the Professor was many things other than the father of Arda! Tolkien made some fantastic translations of epic poems, and wrote several other great, shorter stories.

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