Meet Samantha Madera Digital Assistant and photographer, Office of the Mayor

At the AL DÍA cover story photo shoot
I truly feel honored to have been given such amazing professional opportunities at such a young age. I had my first photograph published in AL DIA News at 21. I won my first photography award at 22-23. I have been given the opportunity to photograph politicians, celebrities, and important events. Now I have been given the opportunity to work for Mayor Jim Kenney and it truly is amazing. I couldn’t have asked for more professionally.
I personally haven’t used the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName, but I understand why they were made and support them. I actually don’t know off the top of my head if there is a comparable Afro-Latina hashtag. This is why I’m excited by this opportunity in the Mayor’s Office. Social media is a truly powerful tool as we’ve seen the way these hashtags have helped grow movements.

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