What Does it Take to be a Good Leader? cruel ambitions or hope for a better future?

"The Prince" attempts to illustrate a good, successful, mighty leader, but it truly shows a cruel and mighty leader. Machiavelli illustrates someone who is willing to do anything to reach power. But, is that really a good leader? Yes, a cruel ruler may make a powerful nation, but does that really develop a better world?

To Machiavelli, a good leader is someone who takes advantage of others to get personal gain. In my opinion, a good leader is someone who seizes opportunities to make society safer, better, and just.
Machiavelli’s examples of good leaders were people like the Romans, who took lands from others and eviscerated their enemies.
However, a good leader doesn’t always have to destroy their enemies. A good example of this is Martin Luther King Jr. He built on the need of liberty and rights for African-Americans. King saw that violent protests only fueled fire to racists, and so he pushed a non violent protest that was extremely successful. He saw a chance to help people and he took it, and was able to change the course of the US.
Destruction is sometimes inevitable to protect and preserve, but good leaders use violence as a last resort.
Good leaders are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others. The Apostles were good leaders because they believed in something and were willing to endure personal harm so that they could help others.

In the end, Machiavelli believes that fear is a more powerful tool than love, but only for personal gain. Love is the strongest of all characteristics, because it is more than personal gain, it attempts to build and help, instead of break down. "So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three: but the greatest of these is love."- 1 Corinthians 13:13

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