Haley Mae Blogs all you need is a little happiness, jesus, and love (:

Oh Happy Day (1/31)

Woah. Time has flown by right in front of my eyes. From starting at a new school, to making outstanding, humble, loving friends, I have been living my life right again. I feel like I need to update you guys because I haven't in what seems like ages. But don't worry, it isn't a sad response. Hopefully it comes out as more happy, but who knows, my emotions tend to have a mind of their own. Lets just start by my new school. I absolutely love it. No complaints, well maybe. It is hard figuring out where I stand at my new school, because I really don't want to mess up. I have to counterbalance everything, but its okay because I am really starting to get the hang of it. I can finally start to kick back, talk to everyone, and be my self. Everyone is so accepting, loving, kindhearted, and open to accept me. Its quite humbling because this is the first time I have felt this way EVER! Oh, I almost forgot... I AM GOING TO A PARTY THIS WEEKEND! How fun is that? I was so happy when I was one of the very few invited because I felt reassurance that I might be doing something right. But guys, I am honestly so happy recently. Its crazy of how much change can really benefit you. Changing schools is probably the best decisions that I have made in a few years. I challenge you guys to make a change. Trust in the Lord, and he will make the right decisions for you. I promise that you won't be disappointed. I was scared, untrusting, and hesitant about switching, but this was the best decision that I think I have ever made other then choosing to accept the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sorry, this is probably such a sloppy blog, but hopefully it maybe covers the big things in my life, such as mostly school. A deep, in depth month review will be coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Last thing I will say, promise, I have big news; I am in the beginning processes of starting a business. More info will be released through out the year, so keep on the lookout for that. My business info will be realized on March 6th, 6pm Mountain time. Hopefully I said a broad summary about the main events in my life, and my apologies for being so scattered, I am currently preparing to start homework. :( I hope you guys have a great day/ night, and I will talk to you guys soon.

Check out my posting schedule For february:

( all scheduled blog post are subject to change)

February 4th: January Month review & night routine

February 11th: Study tipes & Launch of something new

February 17th: Week reflection & Healthy Recipes

February 24th: Week lunch planning, bible study blog style & 25 life hacks

Created By
Haley Mae

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