Selective Perception in Culture Portfolio DIana Omomehin

Progress Journal

Diana Omomehin

Culture Creates

Camilla Hagevik, Ahmed Qureshi, and Zara Akhtar

WOK Bagde: Sense Perception

Today is Tuesday 31st January 2017. Today I read about Sense perception. The part that I found most confusing was the part about optical illusions. Optical illusions mess with my mind. I also learnt that sense perception cannot lead to certainty so we need to confirm it with another sense. While reading I came up with various questions for the quiz.What are some limitations of sense perception? What is a sensation? How does emotion affect our senses?

2nd February 2017

Today we took the first quiz on the WOK, sense perception. Thankfully I got an 8 which meant that I had passed. Now I need to chose what type of project to do for the Badge. I am very interested Selective Perception. I think that it is a good topic to choose because it has a sub topics on which we can expand on. we are going to act out different scenarios of how we can have selective perception. My primary aim for this project to learn more about selective perception. I am going to find more articles and blog that give more real life examples so that I can understand it better.

5th February 2017

Essential Terms: Five Senses- We have five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste. These sense tell us about life. If we loose one of these sense our body adjusts to this change. Our five senses allow us to perceive things. Many different animals have their most dependent sense. For humans this is sight. In a bat it is hearing. Some people are born without a sense. Some people can bet born blind or deaf. These people have to rely on other senses. In my group, we are adding this to our presentation.

Elective Reading: Isaac Lidsky: How Can Going Blind Give You Vision? In this video. Isaac Lidsky gives four things and asks us to guess which we think is false. He told the audience that he was blind and most people thought that it was false because he did not have a crane. He did not look blind. We think this way because of selective perception. We are doing a video on selective perception. So this ted talk gave a new perspective on it. He also told us about he losing his sight made him see the world in a different way. He did not use his biases because he did not have any, I am trying to get my group to do a project where someone looses a sense and has to rely on another sense. I was thinking that we could use sight because this is the sense that we depend the most on.

6th February 2017

We are doing a video on selective perception. The first part is going to talk about change blindness. We are basically going to put a picture on the screen and ask the class to pay close attention to it. Then we will ask them if they saw something. P.S This is subject to change.

End of class: Today we accomplished a lot. We started off the day a little confused but then we figured out what exactly we were doing. We did not know exactly what we were meant to do for this project. We had to create a knowledge question. We came up with: HOW DOES OUR CULTURE IN WHICH WE GREW UP IN AFFECT YOUR PERCEPTION? After creating our question we knew how to expand on it. We decide to choose photos of people and ask the class to guess where they are from.

8th February 2017

Today, I start my first day of SAT prep with test masters. We take a practice test on the first day and I hope that I can get a good score on my practice test. This is my goal for today. What we have accomplished on this project: First of all I finished the video for the show and tell in class. The video is of us demonstrating an example of selective perception in culture. Also the first part of the video shows picture of people from different parts of the world. We are actually going to ask the class to guess where they think those people are from. This is to show that people from those regions will probably get the answer correct. Next we will explain the key concepts. This is the main part of our project.


I think that the project went really well. The only problem is thew we did not to a test run to see how much time it would actually take us with presenting. So we went overtime. This cost us dearly. I believe that we should have done a test run. At least for the next badge project we have an idea of what to do and what not to do. This is the first thing that we did wrong another thing that we could do is to time ourselves while we are doing the presentation so that we can know how much time we are actually taking. Looking at what other people did also gave me an insight to the project. Other groups connected their show and tell to an elective reading. This was a good idea. I think that next time we should have slides or at least a plan of what to say so that we don’t start stammering. Some things that I did enjoy about our presentation was the fact that we made it more interactive. KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS: To what extent can we trust what we perceive? How does emotions affect our senses? How does the culture in which you grew up in affect your sense perception? To what extent is sense perception a reliable source of knowledge?

Extension Proposal

I think that we should

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