Florida Museum of Natural History Rachael Neary

Nature on Display

I really liked the design of the underwater display. I thought it was really cool how they changed the scale of the exhibit to make it feel like you were inside the ecosystem and the size of the fish and crabs. It was really immersive and generated interest in the subject they were presenting.

Nature and Ethics

The butterfly rain forest was a really cool exhibit and did an excellent job of showing people to look beyond what they can get out of nature, economically or otherwise, and instead appreciating the beauty of nature, the butterflies, the trees, the water, the fish, etc. By letting people appreciate nature, they feel a greater desire to help preserve and connect with it.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The fossil exhibits help me to step out of ordinary life by showing me how the earth used to be. For example, I really enjoyed the exhibit that showed the jaws of several species of extinct sharks, one of which belonged to the extinct megalodon shark. The open jaw was taller than I am, and I'm 6'0". Seeing evidence of the existence of amazing creatures like this is fascinating and shows how amazing life and the world really is. I also happen to really like sharks.

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