
Knowing how the Rubric Works: Average is not an option

Standards and Their Purpose

Schoolcraft Community Schools has focused on developing eight to twelve content and/or grade level "Power" standards. These standards represent the skills and knowledge students need to be successful in that grade level and beyond. Most "Schoolcraft Standards" have a Proficiency Scale or rubric which describes what it takes to be 'basic/2/C' versus what it means to be at a 'great/4/A' level.

The purpose of the power standards is to clearly communicate the learning goals in each class or content area. Each SCS Power Standard was created by analyzing the Common Core Readiness Standards along with other state national standards. The key components of each standard are the verbs that help to define the learning objectives that will take place.

The template used for creating the SCS Power Standards, the power standard template for our 9-10th grade ELA Power Standard 3, and the actual power standard created through the process.

From Standard To Rubric

After the creation of the standards, the question "How are the students levels of proficiency going to be measured?" was the next step that needed to be developed. Rubrics were the answer. Using a rubric allows the staff at Schoolcraft High School to identify the necessary skills that qualify for the levels of proficiency that are aligned with the power standards.

Breaking Down the Rubric: The Verbs

The proficiency scale to the right was used to develop the rubrics for each standard. Each rubric contains five possible scores and each score is reflective of expected learning that is taking place. The following rubric addresses the skills expected to be demonstrated through the reading of literature. Notice that each point made is directly connected with a verb, or an expected behavior.

9-10 SCS ELA Standard #3

Reading - Range of Reading and Text Complexity

Students will be able to read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

Proficiency Score 4: The focus of the level 4, or what we consider "mastery" of the standard is focused on the ability of students to be able to read texts while performing deep level questioning, drawing conclusions, and making predictions from the text. In addition to explaining key ideas, themes, and the purpose of the piece as presented in key ideas.

Proficiency Score 3: Is a blending of level 2 and level 4 scores without showing complete level 4 scores.

Proficiency Score 2: This is the basic skill level where we are looking for key ideas that will make up the basic skills that will eventually build the mastery construct. In this area, we are looking for the ability to make notes on key points and evidence in the text while drawing conclusions or making predictions. Key vocabulary/terminology is also included to ensure understanding. This skill is essential for independent reading and analysis.

Proficiency Score 1: As students approach the basic skill, they will be able to perform some of the skills found on level two, but will still be struggling to do it regularly and proficiently.

Proficiency Score 0: This score is reserved for "non-attempts"or "no effort" being demonstrated during the assessment period.

The Evaluation of the Work and Product

When it comes to the analysis of the work that is being done, the artifacts that are created by the student are assess for the rubrics to determine the proficiency of the student. Once the assessment has been evaluated for the proficiency levels, the grade goes into the grade book.

What if your student is struggling?

Just like in traditional grading, students need parents who will get involved. Ask questions, first to your student and then to their teacher. Get involved. Find out how you can help with the work at home. Sit down with the teacher. Go through the standards, and find out where you can help your student and how to help them. Standards based grading works. It educates students on where they are currently and where they could be. As one of my colleagues and friends teaches her students, they are not just there "yet".

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