The Good Girls Revolt by. Lynn Povich

Page count: 222

Summary: Women in the workplace of Newsweek magazine had been discriminated due to their sex. The women then worked together to sue their workplace for these remarks about being a women.

Discussion: In the beginning of the story, I thought it was interesting how the workplace was treating the women that were working there. The men in the workplace would get away with cat calls towards the women (and other various remarks) and no one thought it was wrong. There was also a big problem with the men's pay compared to the women's pay. Men were getting a much higher pay (even if it wasn't that much higher) than women with (sometimes) the same job.

Quote 1: "On March 16, 1970, Newsweek magazine hit the newsstands with a cover story on the fledgling feminist movement titled, 'Women in revolt'. The bright yellow cover pictured a naked woman..." (Povich 1).

Quote 2: "When Oz's father lost his money and his partnership at Kinder, Peabody in the crash of 1929, his mother went to work in real estate where she became a top broker and the first female vice president of her firm" (Povich 33).

Quote 3: "The checker is usually a girl in her twenties, usually from some Eastern College, pleasant-looking but not a femme fetal. She came from college unqualified for anything but looking for an 'interesting' job..." (Povich 78).

Quote 4: "The first researcher to ask for a writing tryout was Mary Pleshette.... Jack Kroll, her senior editor, was immediately defensive..." (Povich 112).

Quote 5: "There was now five new women writers on the magazine...but since the lawsuit, at least fourteen men had been hired as writers, almost three times as many men as women" (Povich 132).


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