Goals Project English 2 | Period 3 | Aliyah Holland

Semester Goal

This semester my goal is to get more flexible and more tumbling. I plan on getting my middle splits by the end of this school year. To do this, I will stretch daily and practice.

"Stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach"-Tony Robbins

English goal

My goal this semester for English, is to either get a high B or an A. I will do this by turning in all of my assignments on time and completed.

"Don't make excuses, make progress"-Unknown

High school goal

My high school goal is to graduate with an advanced diploma. I am going to do this by studying every opportunity and achieving my 3.0 GPA of A's and B's.

"Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying"-Bryan Dyson

after high school goal

After high school my goal is to go to a university for college. I plan on going to University of Arizona, or Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.

"Nothing worth having comes easy."-Unknown

personal growth

For my personal goal, I plan to eat healthy and be in shape. To do this I plan on making better food choices, and go hiking a few days a week if not every other day.

It's not a diet, it's called eating healthy.
Created By
Aliyah Holland


Created with images by summa - "cosmetics powder lipstick" • Pexels - "beach ocean relaxation" • MindfulMarianne - "yoga asana challenge" • Concord90 - "girl computer work" • stevepb - "calculator calculation insurance" • ellepacca - "art supplies art school supplies" • AlexanderStein - "paperclip clip office" • Rafael Sato - "School" • Tax Credits - "College" • AlexBor - "macbook laptop computer" • elizadean - "blue blueberry delicious" • kahvikisu - "strawberries"

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