Coach V's Cottage By Laura

To start the project, I had to design the cottage. After that I did three blueprints, Bird's Eye View, Side View and Front View to see how it looks like from different angles.
Bird's Eye View of the Cottage.
Right Hand Side View of the Cottage.
Front View of the Cottage.
After being done with the blueprints, the next thing to do was to create 3D cottage in Tinkercad. On the cottage I used a box and then put a whole inside to do the walls then wholes shape of a box to do the windows and doors, and for the roof I used a roof.
A perspective that shows many sides of the cottage.
Here are pictures from each view of the cottage. Each view of the cottage was then used to calculate the cost of panting the walls celestial blue, shingles on the roof, and the heating system.
View from above, with the roof and without the roof.
A view from the back and the front of the cottage.
A view of the right and left hand sides of the cottage.
The cottage still costs some money, so it is not free. In this project we had to calculate the outside of the walls, the are of the roof and the volume of the cottage, so it is possible to find the cost of the shingles, paint and the heating.
Calculations for the paint costs.
Costs of the heating, roof ad the total cost of the cottage.

In the end coach V would need to pay 2238€ in total. This contains 60 euros of celestial blue paint, 540 euros for the roof of the cottage and 1638 euros for the heating system for 3 months. This is a great cottage for coach V.

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