The world isn't always black and white But today it is

Since I held my first camera at the age of eight I new I wanted to be a photographer. In my senior year of highschool I decided to take the newly available photography class.

I wanted to capture the moments when all you could do was laugh - even when you started to cry and your stomach ached, you just couldn't stop laughing.

I wanted to capture the smiles and simple beauty that everyone possesses.

To capture friendship. No love is stronger than that which lives between those you are closest to.

And the rare fact that even without looking at the camera, you are worth capturing.

Our emotions vary on a day to day basis, but we live with 3 that are essential - all others are simple variations of one another. Anger. Hopefully you don't hold grudges or feel the need to get revenge, but we all feel anger at some point. Sadness. An unfortunate part of life that comes with loss, heartache and so much more. But the sadness leads to happiness, the last emotion. That which we strive to feel, the feeling that gives individuals the ability to conquer the world.

But one cannot ignore nature. The very pictures that I take are centered around that very thing. The stones that make up stairs or the pines that grow and then fall off of a branch. We tend to look past the very thing that holds us up.

But photography is not just a image of one thing...

But a person amongs nature itself...

Benches swinging amongs the falling leaves in a forest...

Or a young woman surrounded by flowers and continuous growth of life.

My name is Sophie Wilson. I am a senior at Shrewsbury High School and my dream is to become a lifestyle photographer - to start my own business and help families capture moments in time that they can cherish forever. Although my experience with film is limited, and my prints cannot complete with that of my digital work, photography is photography and there is no denying that.

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