Conflict Wycliffe Grafton Jr.

We find Keith sleeping on the floor
God's eye view: he hears a pounding sound and believes its his head
The pounding is actually from his friend, Liam, knocking on Keith's door
Keith struggles to get up and barely manages to open the door
There is a disappointed look on Liam's face and tension between the two
The two get into an agrument
They end up going to Liam's place and play video games
Keith isn't having fun and wants to get drinks. Liam challenges Keith to a game and if Keith wins they will get drinks
The game is darts. At first Keith sucks, but gets good enough to win
They are at a restaurant having a good time
Liam leaves for a moment and Keith begins to get the urge to drink more
Liam comes back and finds that Kieth is drunk and they get into you a huge fight
Liam leaves Keith by himself
Keith is left in a part of town that he doesn't know and has no clue how to get back


Created with images by MorganK - "question mark question why"

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