Christianity Benjamin anderson

Christianity is a universal religion. The hearth of Christianity is Jerusalem. The founding of Christianity was after Jesus' death on the cross.

The founder of Christianity Jesus

Christianity spread through the rise and expansion of the Roman Empire and relocation diffusion.

The spread of Christianity

The most popular branches of Christianity are Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant.

Although there are many symbols to Christianity the most familiar with people are the cross and crucifix. The major beliefs of Christianity are that Jesus the son of God died on a cross to forgive the sins of everyone, and after the days rose up to heaven. A sacred text is the Bible. The place of worship is the church.

The sacred spaces of Christianity would be the places where Jesus died, where he was born, and many other places


Created with images by Guttorm Flatabø - "P3160107" • soyyo84 - "Jesús" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Central Methodist Church, Brighouse"

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