
I think, Sailing is very difficult sport but it is so much fun. Because you enjoy to do that in nature.

Sailing boat can be used for sport or cruising around.

Sailing boat can be used for sport or cruising around.

I am going to tell something about sport boats.

First, all sailors starts with Optimist. They can do Optimist for until 15 years. When they are 15 years old they needs to change their class.

Sailors can do sailing in every seasons. Because they have a suit for every seasons.


Starts takes 5 minutes in the races and judges are checking the rules for the boats.

When the 5 minutes finish all boats start the race.



Some of the boat classes; Optimist, Lazer, 420, 470 and Yacht, .....

Lazer and Optimist are sailed by one person.

Lazer and Optimist

420, 470 and Yacht are sailed by team.

420, 470 and Yacht

The End

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