Who´s on drugs?

Hi my name is Alex Cross. I am sixteen years old and i am a male.I live in Orlando,FL. I do not have any education because I had my mom drop me out when i was fifteen. I got addicted to cigarettes about two years ago with my friends. I stay home all day since I do not have any type of job. Most people I walk around tell me that I have bad breath and smelly clothes. When I walk around for the most part my heart rate began´s to increase rapidly. My parents tell me that I can get Heart disease,Lung disease,Cancer and Reproductive damage I still do it though. I always tell them not to worry about it and mind their own business because it gets really annoying. I have a lot of stress,depression,anxiety and anger from doing this drug. My parents also tell me that I have a lot of anger and mood swings. I get into trouble a lot at home and my parents kick me out but they let me back in a little while later. This drug affects my family life because I do not really spend time with them and do not go anywhere with them anymore like I used to do as a kid.This drug affects my social life because I just want to stay home and smoke since I am addicted to smoking cigarettes. I do not really hand out with anyone anymore since I started. We all smoke the cigarettes because we think doing needles and snorting is gross. I spend about one hundred dollars every week. My friend and me usually smoke every two hours since we have nothing better to do. For the most part we smoke in my basement because my parents are hardly ever home and we don't want upstairs to smell like smoke. Before I started smoking I was doing illegal marijuana. The doctors told me if I kept doing it I can get really sick and die so I switched to cigarettes. I think that my life is more important than doing marijuana and eventually die. There was an event that went on and told people to not smoke and told people the bad effects of smoking so me and my friend did not listen and we smoked anyways. My mom caught me smoking before and she called the cops because I was underage and so the cop can tell me the bad things about smoking.I started smoking when I was at school and they caught me and told me to stop but I kept on doing it and they kicked me out of school.

Created By
Ryan Lattanzio & Gregory.Caron@vernonschools.org


Created with images by fxxu - "cigarette smoking tobacco" • mikegi - "man boy smoking"

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