Teacher Bias By:Melquis Medrano

Teachers often have a racial bias against students, which causes suspensions and Negatively affects their grade.

A test was taken to show if teachers saw any challenging behavior with a white boy and girl and also with a black boy and girl when asked which children required the most attention, many of the teachers identified the black boy as more troublesome.

This shows that teachers think less of black students and do not treat them equally.

“They were shown to expect less from black students because of unfair and untrue beliefs about all students of color. Implicit bias also results in fewer black kids being recommended to programs for gifted students.”

Teachers bully students because of their skin which affects how students feel

Black students are being suspended more than white students because they are being targeted more by their teachers

Black students are suspended or expelled at triple the rate of their white counterparts, according to data from the U.S. Department of Education. Some 20 percent of black male students receive out-of-school suspensions, compared to just 6 percent of white male students.

If Black students keep on being targeted by teachers then they might not come to school because of the way they got treated by the teacher

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