Pope Francis By REese KLine

Early Life

Pope Francis, or originally Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was born in Argentina, after his parents were immigrants from Italy. He went to High School studying to become a chemical technician, so he got involved with food science. He then turned to philosophy after part of his right lung was taken out. He was made a priest in 1969, and he made his final vows in 1973.

Path to Preisthood

Bergoglio had gone through many obstacles to get to the level of priest, some of which included sexual abuse scandals that had gone right under his nose. This made most people uneasy about him becoming the pope. Nevertheless, he still took control of a church on his to being a pope. This church was a Roman Catholic church, which was 1/6 of the population. This was almost the final event that made Bergoglio the pope. Finally, the toppling point was in 2013 when the current priest, Benedict XVI retired of old age and sickness concerns. This made an opening for the newly announced Pope Francis as we now know him, and he took that opening and became the current first pope from South America and the bishop of Rome.

How Pope Francis is related to the 8 Themes.

Pope Francis is tied to the theme of religion in history. He's not only a pope, but he led a revolution in many lives of catholic people since he became a pope. He also put a almost complete stop to abusive problems in catholic lives around the world, which is an incredible feat for that religion.


"Help one another. This is what Jesus teaches us. This is what I do. And I do it with my heart."

Where He Came From...


Stefon, MAtt. "Pope Francis." Britannica Online, school.eb.com/levels/high/article/603562. Accessed 4 Feb. 2017.


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